E-book release, titled – ‘Beauty, Youth and A Beautiful Mind: An insight into the urban blights of our age.’

Letter of Invitation

Dear bloggers,

This invitation is for all avid readers, through social forums & your better words. So first & fore-mostly, i request you to share this post with others.

Though some of you may not read voraciously, but it may still serve you well in this passing season. Contemplation with this book, shall acquaint you better with the resolution zeitgeist in New Year.

The topic squarely discusses the gaps & stresses in urban milieu, in-dept & variously. The book is well suited for readers on – social essays, urban dystopia & non-fiction narratives (in genre- body, mind & spirit).

It is available at Various Amazon e-book stores including India, U.S.A, U.K. , France , Germany, Japan etc.

E-Book Store - Amazon INDIA

E-Book Store – Amazon INDIA

E-Book Store - Amazon U.S.A.

E-Book Store – Amazon U.S.A.

The e-book is available with  pre-order on amazon kindle.

The book is designed with simplicity & logical illustrations. It engages conspicuous observations from urban lifestyles. The price is nominated at minimum to engage maximum readers.The aim is to enhance mutual social vision with cogent arguments, which may provide a new fillip to necessary but niche debates.

All said, It will be released on 10th Jan,2016. Looking forward to your best engagement & review of my short publish.

Book details -Beauty, Youth & A beautiful Mind

Book details -Beauty, Youth & A beautiful Mind

Herewith, attaching –Book Cover, illustration, Print details, synopsis and Book At-glance (snippets) from the e-book hitherto due for release as dated. (available with pre-order ).

Book At-glance (Free PDF File) – Book At -glance – Beauty, Youth & A Beautiful Mind

Please do acknowledge & share it around with people.

Thanks & Regards


Vishu Mishra

P.s. – 

Print Information

Format : Kindle Edition
Print Length : 53 pages.
Release date : 10th Jan, 2016
Language : English
Genre:- 1. Primary (Non-fiction): Body,Mind & Spirit.
                  2. Sub Genre : Social Essay.

You may also avail the below link to download for all the above mentioned attachments.

https://goo.gl/3Dt1Xz – Download  Here. Google short Link 

Here are the other pertinent google links to this E-book.You can pre-order from here. Click on the short-links underscored as below  –

  • Amazon.jp, Japan users can refer the amazon website with book details or author name : amazon.co.jp
An e-book on urban blights of our age.

An e-book on urban blights of our age.

Vishu Mishra
Book Author.

Other Links

Blog’s Facebook  Page : https://www.facebook.com/captnjacksparw/

Blog’s Twitter Handle : https://twitter.com/theoutofbusines

My Twitter Handle  : https://twitter.com/vishu_mishra

Instagram Avatar : vishu.mishra

Other Social Links : http://theoutofbusiness.com/my-social-links/

P.P.S. –

Book Cover - Beauty, Youth & A Beautiful Mind

Book Cover – Beauty, Youth & A Beautiful Mind

Book Synopsis (Text ) – 


The world is getting stacked into urban set-ups. The revel of this human pinnacle comes along with some grave ignorance. Boons of technology have taken an untoward hack into our modern lives. Over- digitization of human activities, affects our natural inclinations & organic behaviors. The urban order suffers with challenges of natural & un-natural pollutants.

This book discusses such gaps & stresses of mega-cities, which have taken away our gifts of – beauty, youth & a beautiful mind. It is an insightful discussion on the growing urban blights of 21st century.

These issues range in – popular, sophisticated & niche problems of new societal order.  They are currently too advanced for entailment as a parliamentary debate or to be incorporated into world public policies. However, time is ripe to throw light on them with an astute reformist action.

There are undue stresses & gaps in our lifestyles, which need to be addressed sincerely. The overview of these changes within past few decades, can define our understanding of urban utopia. Evils of – digital news, virals-&-trends, commercial biases, must be tendered for sustenance of timeless human values. The book heeds & encourages this debate, to ensure an amicable human environment for our transient & future generations.

It is time to take expedient actions & avert this un-seen invasion. It is time to think, debate & act before our world gets digitally colonized.

*End of covering Letter*

Thank you for your time & perusal.

-&-Greetings for the day.




Ebook illustration - The Sketch of Urban Mesh

E-book illustration – The Sketch of Urban Mesh


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Junkman’s movie review – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)

The storyteller  - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)

The storyteller – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)

Statutory warning – Spoilers, Explicit content

So here’s the deal,

Jonathan Liebesman’s new release,‘ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)‘ is a good movie to watch.

Director Jonathan Liebesman -teenage mutant  ninja turtles 2014

Director Jonathan Liebesman -teenage mutant ninja turtles 2014

To Humor such a long name, let’s call it old and goody ‘a Ninja Turtles movie’ instead 😀

A.  Movie plot : The foot gang spreads malice in the city. Ninja turtles are vigilante’ that keep bumping up their plans. The driving motive for turtles’ heroic is unclear. The protagonist (turtles) are driven by curiosity and adrenalin. However the background, their decision to fight for city is unclear.Likewise, the history of the foot gang is missing. Megan fox plays a rookie reporter.She accidentally drops into middle of few combats and pursuant  to it, connects her in the turtle’s story.

B.  Movie Story : It’s very agreeable to the old comics & TV series of ninja turtles.

These teenage ninja turtles keep showing up to malice in city. Megan fox accidentally peeks into a crime scene and uncovers the turtles as vigilante of New York city. Her involvement with uncovering these turtles leads her into her past.Meanwhile, the assault of foot gang grows stronger . The turning point appears to be the bust into turtles’s safe home in severs.The story doesn’t involve lot of twist and turns, neither it has much unveiling elements. It’s quite flat , yet full of turtle comedy and action sequences .Though, there is one important revelation towards the end.

Climax has lot of eyegasmic action scenes. It is filled with compact comedy and superb action. The best thing about the story, is that it rises towards the end. It holds action & comedy all along.

Ninja turtles (movie ,2014)

Ninja turtles (movie ,2014)

C.  Movie Screenplay : The 3-D experience is viewer- friendly. The appearance, stature & character depiction of turtles is right on money.The costumes, energy level, combat skills, underground turtle bunker , techi/teenage turtle talks is wonderful and adds brilliantly to the comedy-action combo.

The weaker link, is sequences of Megan fox in her solo scenes & desperate reporter modes.The acting is downright flat and meager. The scenes at the villain end are stereotypical. It is however gullible to some extent, it aligns with the old comics style.

There is a plenty load of fresh action and comedy. It is’ trademark turtle’ stuff 😀 and holds the audience in applause & laughter. It is very originally thought out. In short, turtles hold 80% of good experience, 15% is held by villians & 3-5% by megan fox.

D.  Villain : Shredder, leader of the foot gang-is heavy weight, always dressed in iron suit, equipped with knives & holds high martial art skills.However, his charisma is very off-putting & there is no info on his history.He is just a tough iron suit with no smart dialogues.The gang members are shown incompetent,they look like mannequins ,practicing dolls for turtles & they are unable to add any presence in the combat sequences.

Villain shredder - teenage mutant ninja turtles, 2014 movie

Villain shredder – teenage mutant ninja turtles, 2014 movie

Mr. sax is the schemer for all evil plans. The role is limited to providing information & managing his scum lab.

The villainous end could have created more charisma with dialogues & providing elaborated  role to Mr. Sax.

E.  Megan Fox hotness Quotient:-

This is an extra and un-usual addition in my review. I feel  it is quite necessary, considering the hype over Megan fox’s world class hotness notion.

It is downright disappointing & dry in this movie. She moves around the full time, in one or two pair of clothes. ( brown jacket, black trousers).Considering her U.S.P. being hotness, nothing is dropped hot on the screen.There are no hot dresses, no skin revelation or providing any kind of steam! It actually din’t matter for a minute, who is playing  a hot reporter in the movie! The hotness tag is completely down-played & cut-out!

Megan fox , playing reporter in the movie

Megan fox , playing reporter in the movie


Megan fox, side profile, reporter in ninja turtles, movie- 2014

Megan fox, side profile, reporter in ninja turtles, movie- 2014


Megan fox, no hotness dropped in movie

Megan fox, no hotness dropped in movie

If i were the producer of this movie, I could get more hotness for lesser budget! & hype maybe. Ingenuously speaking, that is all is required in such a plot! There’s not much scope for reporter’ acting & neither one can employ a stalwart actress to this role ( nor it is!!) Mr. Producer, please get hotness & get rid of unworthy brands & hype!


This is what you guys missed from megan fox. Some dose of this! & movie would have been a ‘hell-yeah’! 😀

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F.  Movie Acting :

1. Turtles : Fabulous, comic, consistent to character & highly like-able.

2. Villian : Stereotypical, stoical, lacks charisma, lacks expression.

3. Megan Fox : Needs more skin tan!

Acting is meagre, dialogue delivery has no voice modulation, face expressions are stony. She needs to laugh out loud to look more natural! & she should look more emotionally/mentallyvulnerable in such a plot!

Here, she looks very firm, mentally resolved & a situation handler. It goes against the scenes.

G.   Summarizing flaws in the movie:-

1. Why did the turtles turn ninja & how did they procure such an expert training & typical weaponry by living in sewers!(reasons shown are insufficient.)

2. The primary motto of the dreaded foot-gang  is missing. They are guided & driven by Mr. sax.

3. The plan to create chemical catastrophe & sell anti-dote could be achieved with synthesis of another chemical & another anti-dote also!!   The specialty of ‘turtle-blood’ plan wasn’t dexterously laid out.

4. why does a professional reporter ( Megan Fox) doesn’t shoot her story with a professional camera/handy-cam. She roams around  with a phone camera! It seems like a very loose and un-thoughtful end.

5. First encounter, it is very difficult to distinguish whether a smuggling or a normal container shifting is being processed on the  docks.How does megan fox pre-meditatively, marks it as a crime scene from such a distant /difficult view outside.

6. Second encounter, it is ridiculous to see how a rookie reporter enters a terrorized metro station and right from the Main entrance!  She courageously charges in, rather sneaking would have seemed more realistic and genuine.It does not hold, even with the most risk  taking reporting! She could have sneaked in from another door & then get caught as scripted instead.

7. The driving motive of turtles, ‘saving New York city‘ is un-consolidated.


Junkman's movie review - teenage mutant ninja turtles (2014)

Junkman’s movie review – teenage mutant ninja turtles (2014)

Junkman’s movie Score parameters

  • Screenplay ( 2points ,most important in a comic based movie)
  • Overall comedy & action ( 2 points, entertainment driver of movie)
  • Story (1 point)
  • Plot(1 point)
  • Villian (1 point, importance of antagonist is imminent)
  • final encounter/climax ( (1 point)
  • Acting (1 point)
  • justification to comics/series (1 point, unavoidable parameter , binds viewer’s expectation beforehand)
  • Cliche/flaws( -1 point, negatives used to reduce the total score)
  • Extra point ( 1 point, efforts on surrounding elements)

Junkman’s Movie Score :

  • Screenplay ( 90%)
  • Overall comedy & action (95%,excellent)
  • Story (75%, loose ends)
  • plot ( 75% , errors)
  • villain ( 80% , less charisma)
  • final encounter ( 100%, good action & comedy)
  • Acting (80%, loosing points on Megan Fox)
  • Justification to mocis/Series (90% , consistent to fan’s imagination)
  • cliche/flaws ( -50%, minor flaws)
  • Extra points (0% , no efforts on hotness of reporter, no great villian plan & charisma)

Junkman’s Overall movie rating/score calculation  : 1.8+1.9+0.75+0.75+0.8+1+0.8+0.9-0.5+0 = 8.2

 Junkman’ movie rating/score ( real & apparent rating) = 82% or 8.2/10

Junkman’s conclusion –  fun movie, definitely one time watch, original turtle action & good comedy.worth spending money.

 This analysis is critical,

Yours truly,


Movie Review : Teenage mutant ninja turtle (2014)

Movie Review : Teenage mutant ninja turtle (2014)


Being a reader- chapter 5/5

#Narration of my reading journey

Since I realized that being a poor reader is an obstacle to my aspiration of being a good writer & developing those supporting skills, I was really worried. With the medicines working for my sinus problem in the backdrop of self-renovation. I made it a regular habit to read the first page of newspaper for some time.

Slowly & steadily, I moved on to the sports section & added one big article from the editorial section of ‘the Hindu’. My efforts increased to reading the entire two pages of editorial & the first page by the end of month& half. During this time, I was completely fascinated by the binding language of the eminent writers, advocates, social workers, environment experts, editors. Their articles were filled with a strong appeal, amazing & gripping ideas & abstract theories that can engage the most ingenious minds.

I felt privileged to reach this milestone. So, I started writing in a diary– their styled- sparkling ideas & aesthetic valued phrases, along with the difficult words, to later find their meaning. I found that with regular reading, my time span of completing the task reduced considerably & my comprehensive skill improved significantly. I was no more mind boggled by the heavy phrases, bulky lines, I was beginning to see the forest beyond the thick foliage & heavy wood barks.

Later in the year, I tried to tune around my other skills to aspire to same level of writing. So, with personal volition & valuable suggestion from my creative writing course teacher. I worked on my grammar & tried to grasp techniques from the book- ‘ how to read better & faster’. I was already cruising along with my vocabulary Building project. I realized that there’s always more to learn than you know right now. One must always pursue an interest like a student not a master. You can never be a master of a language but mastering your reading ability is definitely one of the most advanced skills in the world & it can be most frustrating too for poor readers.however, its rewards are great on personal, intellectual & recreational ends.

For active netizen – you may be belonging to a social network circle, connected to a cause, belonging to a highly vocal society where every person is an authority to be a republic of his own opinions & challenge others on theirs. In such an environment, it is only befitting to be aware of the latest bubbles & things that are trending in the nation, for e.g. I am an Indian and this is the most complicated place in terms of demographic variations, socio-political debates, the vociferous breast-beating contests of ideas of our nation. In such a place, it is important to be part of all revolutions & one can achieve it by being a good reader. It can really help you in the execution of your ideas & moral templates on the seemingly active & ever-erupting opinion volcano.

Hopefully, some tips in this write-up will help you along as it has helped me.i am sure reading will further improve my short-comings,as it has before in this personal journey narrative of past one year.
From being a bad reader towards being a reader.

In goodwill of all who need to voice their genuine opinion, to add their ideas & voices to the world.

being a reader

being a reader

Vishu mishra

Being a reader- chapter 4/5

So in benignant gesture, here are some of the tips I found useful-


Lets divide it into three part-a. grammar b. vocabulary c. reading

a. Grammar– this is the easiest part for those who have had a solid foundation and toughest for those who care not but for language styling. These people find themselves too much embroiled into the slangs, catch phrases, colloquial English while expressing themselves; it is a curse & boon of the social network & active netizens-ship. Here’s a book –Murphy’s English grammar by Raymond Murphy- Cambridge publication. It’s very useful plus it has a foolproof technique to step by step eradicate your habitual errors. Further I read that most writers-

1.Make errors in using past continuous tense, usage of would, could & present perfect tense.

2. The usage of articles esp. ‘the’ and their prepositions just kill the sentences.

3. Their structuring is too lengthy & loses comprehension –so work on informative & extra-informative clauses.

4.Over usage of double-past & reluctance to use simple past makes sentences complicated.

5.Use of regular and irregular verb forms – e.g. lay/lie ,hung/hanged

6. confusion of using –who/whom , i/me ,she/her ,prophecy(prediction)/prophesy (predict)

7.The book has a specific exercise at the back that determines the areas you need to work on, so all your problems can be taken care of by one book.Apart from that, follow the above points and be conscious about their difference & try to research further on the internet about it.


Vocabulary can only increase by extensive reading, once you engage your reading time into books of different genres, kinds, fields. you may notice that College level students have great vocabulary, it’s Because they are constantly challenged to dwell into unfamiliar topics & fields and increase their reading span and knowledge of different terminologies. So read all kinds of books, of all kinds of fields. you will definitely find interest in a few more subjects than you anticipate right now. The tips for vocab. Building-

1.Buy any good vocab builder that is based on etymology.

2.Always give importance to the form of word- i.e. noun,verb, adjective,adverb & try to look for a sentence of its usage.

3.The step by step process for learning new words-

The most common but wrong way

People sit with thumb-nailing dictionaries & as soon as a word pops up into reading ,they are on their toes to look for its meaning. However, such ways can never build vocabulary as you are bound to forget the word & its familiarity. It is temporary & an inferior method, even though so many people do it.

The right way

a.When you encounter a word, think of its meaning for few seconds, find all possible word roots or things it can mean. Then move on with your article.

b.When you meet this word again somewhere, you are more conscious to its presence & you are more aware of it.

c.It now has a stronger impact on you & it becomes clearer in a variety of context.

d.Eventually, new words would become old friends.

Reading tips

1. Always read with a sense of urgency, i.e. your main aim is to get into the passage, get the main idea & central theme-get out.

2. Reading slow is a habit not a maladroit, so it can be changed with practice. try this book – “how to read better & faster by Norman Lewis”. It is excellent for the cause.

3. You should try to evaluate, how the writer has structured the article i.e. which para’s are theme based, which are simply Variations, which are used for points & elaboration. If you can figure this out,It will boost your reading speed.

4.You should always challenge your comprehension by pushing your reading speed, it spurs alertness which leads to interest and hence a fast paced & concentrated reading.

5.Always remember that reading phrase by phrase & looking for ideas is more important than crawling around word by word for details, because the ideas & effect will eventually turn out together in the end & it will become clearer.

6.Always try to have a time constraint in your reading. Give yourself a stretch of two hours and do concentrated reading. If you’re giving time to your reading before going to bed, you are simply dabbling around. It’s important to set a good time for doing it like an activity.

7.A good reader will always have tools for reading, like an efficient artist with different brushes & pencils, he will gear up at peripheral & sub-ordinate para’s but gear down at central ideas &themes based para’s.bad readers just read everything with a same dumb pace & tone. They try to over-emphasize on word-relations that on an ironical note, leads to bad comprehension.

8.Remember, good comprehension of a piece of writing is not based on the keenness of your memory but on the clarity of your understanding.

9.Challenge yourself to read material on fields you haven’t explored before, it will make you a better reader. People who keep exploring their limits & fields are the ones that turn out to be most efficient in the end. You should break the habit of reading average fiction & choose the good stuff- non-fiction material, editorials of newspaper, good magazines e.g. harpers ,Esquire, the new Yorker, news-week, time, today etc.

10.If understanding of a piece of article is the vivid scene of a forests and the words & phrases are its trees. It is rightly said for a poor reader.

“they can’t see the forest because of the thickness of the trees”- them bad readers.

11.However, it is a habit & habits can be changed with applying yourself like a student & a will to improve. After all, you DO want to see the forest, it is actually beautiful!

being a reader

being a reader

vishu mishra