Limerick poems – a lovely lass , keep rolling

Limericks-  (wiki definition)

limerick is a short, humorous, often ribald or nonsense poem,[1] especially one in five-line anapestic meter with a strict rhyme scheme (AABBA), which is sometimes obscene with humorous intent. The first two lines rhyme with the last line and the third and fourth line rhyme, and they are usually shorter.

# a little variation can be adapted to add value.

A Lovely Lass

A  lovely lass in velvet grass.

romanced her to heaven’s spree.

Bloomed out her wings, sur-real.

Red hot her lips, kiss-real.

laughed out a wee! Then bite off me!

Keep Rolling

A blonde in bar, for attention she craive! (crave)

Reciting his formula, drunk & naïve!

Shook booty & shouted-“mass to energy”.

her humor alas! so out of class!.

then Einstein rolled! in his grave!

limerck poems

limerck poems

Thanks for reading..


Vishu Mishra